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Preschool (ages 3–4 or 4–5) • Kindergarten
The Scripture-based format of Stories of God’s Love begins where every catechesis should begin—by touching children’s hearts with the Gospel message....
Blest Are We Faith in Action honors the thematic approach, content, and teaching format of our treasured Blest Are We Faith and Word series. Each grade level features cover art that exemplifies a...
Incorporating the updates to the Roman Missal, Third Edition, Be My Disciples offers engaging lessons that lead young disciples to higher levels of moral thinking and a deeper initiation into a life...
New Parish Program for Grades K–8
Key Features:
Beautifully illustrated covers depicting key Scripture stories
A new design that is visually appealing to digital natives with an emphasis on...
Build a world filled with Christ’s disciples!
Invites children to discipleship through its catechumenal methodology
Teaches Scripture, doctrine, and liturgical celebration through its spiral...
Credo is a faith-centered program, underpinned by a strong social justice element that guides high school students from information to formation to transformation, and opens their hearts and minds to...
万圣节是几月几日 过万圣节你该知道的事!-教育频道-齐鲁 ...:2021-10-29 · 万圣节是几月几日 2021年10月31日 农历 九月十九 万圣节 ! 大家普遍认为10月31日是万圣节,实际上这并不是完全正确。 更确切地说,10月31日的晚上称作万圣节前夜(The Eve of All Hallows)或是万圣节之夜(The eve of All Saints'Day),因为11月1日是 ...
RCL Benziger Family Life is a comprehensive moral catechesis for families. Designed to compliment the religion curriculum in your school or parish, Family Life now also integrates child safety...
Jesús nos enseñ ó a ser sus discípulos...
Da a los niños; cimientos sólides que los llevan a una fe en acción!
Sean mis Discípulos ofrese lecciones interesamtes que guían a los jóvenes discípulos a...
Invite and encourage Hispanic American children and their families to learn, love, and live the faith in and beyond the parish community. This powerful bilingual Catholic faith formation program is...